Short Stories

Usha had a dream – Short Story (2 mins read)

Usha came to the drawing room with her hot cup of tea. Her newspaper was waiting for her on the table. It was 6.45 am and her family was fast asleep. It was this time of the day that she enjoyed the most, she with her tea and the paper, the perfect combo, ready to brace yet another day. She turned the 1st page of The Times Of India. A beautiful housing complex with lush greenery on the 2nd page instantly lured her eyes and her heart.

“Live the way you have always imagined, amidst the finest integrated township.” It read at the top.

The tall buildings were beckoning her.

“Ready-to-move-in 2.5 & 3 BHK apartments with exclusively dedicated swimming pool and gymnasium.”

The lush greenery of the complex looked so alluring to her. She opened the gates of the building and ran into the premises. She flung herself over the finely pruned grass and looked up into the azure blue sky. The sky from the window of her small 1 Room kitchen looked dark most of the time.

She took the lift and pressed the button ’24’. Usha always wanted to live in these high rise buildings. The lift reached the 24th floor. Usha pulled out the keys of her flat from her handbag and unlocked the door.

A gush of fresh air welcomed her into her sprawling 2 BHK flat. The white curtains flew with the wind coming in from the balcony. The ‘ting-tong’ of the fengshui hanging from the door reverberated across the room. She went and sat in her sofa. The soft cushions of the sofa pulled her into the seat. She drowned in comfort.

‘Usha, where is my tea?’ She could hear her husband scream. But how come he is in this house now? He must be in his office at this time. She thought to herself.

‘Usha, Ushaaaa…”. Her reverie broke. Alok her husband was standing in front of her. He was screaming into her ears. She still had the paper in her hands. She got up, went to the kitchen and planted the cup of tea in Alok’s hand.

She went inside the kitchen once again and started with her daily chores.

Even though for a few seconds, Usha had a dream, a dream she could die for, a dream she would love to live for. The dream of owning that house.


This is my Day 20 post for the #BlogchatterAtoZ challenge organized by Blogchatter.

My theme for the challenge is ‘Short Stories’.

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